Saturday, February 2, 2013

Inspired By: Brooches

Inspired By: Brooches!

  I have been collecting brooches for years and years and I've normally just used them for when I do 1860's reenacting (They always wore brooches at the neck closure of their bodices). Just recently however I've gotten into using them in modern ways. 

My newest obsession is putting brooches in my hair!

*To hold the brooch in place, stick hair pins through the brooch's bar pin on the back. Make sure the pin part on the brooch is "locked" so it doesn't slip through the hair pins and fall out.  

 You can find gorgeous brooches, new or old, EVERYWHERE 
...So go to an antique store, estate sale, flea market, yard sale or your grandmother's jewelry box and find some brooches!!

Put them in your hair, use them as belt clasps, put them on chains as pendants.... Who knows what ideas you may think up! 
Have fun with it and always...... Be Clever. :) 


And it's all for the love of Clever. 

About Me

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Tennessee, United States
A blog inspired by God's creation, fashion, sewing, furniture repurposing, the south, history, anything lovely....... Oh and clever! There WILL be clever~